I reviewed Homeschool Library Builder last year for The Homeschool Review Crew. You can read that review here. I was impressed the first time with all the site has to offer customers and was anxious to note any changes when they appeared on our vendor list for this year.
Homeschool Library Builder has added a few changes to their site since last year which I think benefit customers. A WONDERFUL "Spotlight on the Season" section is ideal for planning unit studies. Complete with ideas and book selections related to future holidays, seasons or special events this portion of the site is an information treasure. Live links lead to either sale pages for necessary books or websites with detailed information, crafts, recipes and photos on the topic selected. A detailed "calendar of events" contains topic links for nearly every day of the month. For example, a unit study for March 6th could include Michangelo's birthday or the anniversary of the fall of the Alamo. Very cool!
To test out the current value of Homeschool Library Builder I chose to shop books through their handy curriculum shopper option. I chose "click here to search by curricula"on the homepage of the site which directed me to choose between Ambleside, Beautiful Feet, Five in a Row, Heart of Dakota, Sonlight, Tapestry of Grace and Veritas Press. Most familiar with Sonlight products, I chose Sonlight from the list which directed me to choose between Cores to shop. After choosing Core 7, my browser was directed to two pages of titles currently available, new and used, through Homeschool Library Builder. As of this date bargains available for Core 7 included:

New Softcover Retail price: $14.95 HSLB price: $5.99
Homeless Bird by Gloria Whelan

Good/Very Good Condition former library cover edition
Retail Price: $16.95 HSLB price: $4.25
Leonardo Da Vinci by Diane Stanley

New Hardcover with Dust Jacket
Retail Price: $18.99 HSLB price: $9.99
There were two pages of bargains listed for Sonlight's Core 7, so one-stop shopping would not be possible at Homeschool Library Builder. However, for frugal families willing to invest in a little bit of time, a potential savings of $30.66 for three books might just be worth the inconvenience. Finding Homeschool Library Builder 's offerings of well-organized bargains require a small investment of time, but deliver great dividends in value.
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