I remember the first time I discovered I loved world history. My kids and I were reading a history curriculum that the author had specifically written to help readers understand God directed parallels present in history. This particular curriculum began with Creation and ended with the resurrection of Christ. In addition, the author wrote of events in the Middle East (Bible history) in one lesson and then followed with a lesson of events taking place on the other continents in the world during the same time period. For example, I learned that Ancient Indian Mounds in Ohio were built during the time Hezekiah was on the throne.
For the first time in my education I had the opportunity to “connect the dots”, so to speak, with all the different aspects of Ancient history. The author’s desire to share Bible history as a part of world history allowed our family to understand history as God’s story of mankind. This concept, pointed out by the author, was an exciting and inspiring moment for me and of course, I wanted to learn more.
The Amazing Bible World History Timeline was created by Bible Charts and Maps, LLC to aid students of all ages in seeing God’s plan in history. According to the company’s literature, “You see His hand directing all of the world events and the Bible set against that background.” Delivered to your home as a 36 x 46” laminated chart, the Amazing Bible World History Timeline is a lasting resource for history study. According to information on the chart, “It represents not only years of patient research by the author, but centuries of efficient effort of early historians. It contains a wealth of authentic information to be obtained at a glance. It shows the simultaneous relationship of events.”
I have never been a fan of timelines simply because I never seem to reference them. In our homeschool we many times have diligently created timelines for reference; however they usually succumb to being a wall covering rather than a learning tool. Over time edges curl, figures fade or fall off the timeline which vies for our attention, but inevitably we simply remove it having not learned much from the process. The Amazing Bible World History Timeline, I am sorry to say, met a similar fate.
I struggle with reading charts and graphs to begin with and so took a bit too long in my opinion trying to determine how to read the chart. It is designed in a circular fashion with all B.C. dates to the right and A.D. dates to the left. According to the company’s website, “It works like a clock. Adam is at the top. Christ's birth divides the circle in half.” In my mind the concept was confusing and I struggled. The printing on the chart was very small because so much information is shared on one chart. There is 6000 years of world history represented by the chart! The timeline is printed mostly in black and white with pink, blue and highlighter yellow used to allow students to visually connect various people groups.
The Amazing Bible World History Timeline may be an excellent resource for some, but not our house. I asked my 15 year old son for his opinion after spending a few too many frustrating moments with the chart and he said, “If I was just to look at the chart with no one explaining it to me I would be so confused.”
The Amazing Bible World History Timeline offers customers free interactive maps of the
Holy Land, the genealogy of Christ in two different formats and a pdf file of the timeline for use in lesson planning and easy research reference. In addition, my Amazing Bible World History Timeline came with helpful tips for incorporating it into Bible study. The timeline and all the extras can be purchased at www.BibleTimeline.NET for $29.97.
I encourage you to spend some time on the company’s website and judge for yourself if this timeline is a good fit for your family. Connecting the dots in world history is an inspiring and thrilling experience. If the Amazing Bible World History Timeline helps deepen your family’s understanding of God at work then it will be well worth your investment.
For the first time in my education I had the opportunity to “connect the dots”, so to speak, with all the different aspects of Ancient history. The author’s desire to share Bible history as a part of world history allowed our family to understand history as God’s story of mankind. This concept, pointed out by the author, was an exciting and inspiring moment for me and of course, I wanted to learn more.
The Amazing Bible World History Timeline was created by Bible Charts and Maps, LLC to aid students of all ages in seeing God’s plan in history. According to the company’s literature, “You see His hand directing all of the world events and the Bible set against that background.” Delivered to your home as a 36 x 46” laminated chart, the Amazing Bible World History Timeline is a lasting resource for history study. According to information on the chart, “It represents not only years of patient research by the author, but centuries of efficient effort of early historians. It contains a wealth of authentic information to be obtained at a glance. It shows the simultaneous relationship of events.”
I have never been a fan of timelines simply because I never seem to reference them. In our homeschool we many times have diligently created timelines for reference; however they usually succumb to being a wall covering rather than a learning tool. Over time edges curl, figures fade or fall off the timeline which vies for our attention, but inevitably we simply remove it having not learned much from the process. The Amazing Bible World History Timeline, I am sorry to say, met a similar fate.
I struggle with reading charts and graphs to begin with and so took a bit too long in my opinion trying to determine how to read the chart. It is designed in a circular fashion with all B.C. dates to the right and A.D. dates to the left. According to the company’s website, “It works like a clock. Adam is at the top. Christ's birth divides the circle in half.” In my mind the concept was confusing and I struggled. The printing on the chart was very small because so much information is shared on one chart. There is 6000 years of world history represented by the chart! The timeline is printed mostly in black and white with pink, blue and highlighter yellow used to allow students to visually connect various people groups.
The Amazing Bible World History Timeline may be an excellent resource for some, but not our house. I asked my 15 year old son for his opinion after spending a few too many frustrating moments with the chart and he said, “If I was just to look at the chart with no one explaining it to me I would be so confused.”
The Amazing Bible World History Timeline offers customers free interactive maps of the

I encourage you to spend some time on the company’s website and judge for yourself if this timeline is a good fit for your family. Connecting the dots in world history is an inspiring and thrilling experience. If the Amazing Bible World History Timeline helps deepen your family’s understanding of God at work then it will be well worth your investment.
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